About the Organization

Potomac Seidr Guild Öndvegisúlur is dedicated to serving our community through rituals that connect us to the ancestors, spirits, and gods. We are heathens, pagans, polytheists, and witches who practice oracular seidr work rooted in heathen tradition.

The oracular seidr we practice is a descendant of the Hrafnar tradition, and our two founders can trace their training lineage back to that group. It is from these two founders that we get our name: “Öndvegisúlur” means “roof-poles”, and the two founders hold up the Great Hall of our young tradition.

We are based in Central Maryland near the Potomac River, although we also travel to events further afield and hold some rituals online.

If you’re interested in joining the Guild, please contact us about training opportunities!

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